Tom Diggle
Tom Diggle
Every BigCommerce theme would benefit from this feature and I would be happy to help and submit a PR. Here are my thoughts on how this feature could look. Add...
`What happens with scss files do they continue to hold the unused css ?` The scss files would continue to hold the unused css. We only want to remove unused...
@carsonreinke I've looked into it a little bit and I'm unsure what is the best way to go about identifying what css is unused. When running `stencil start` the css...
@carsonreinke Agreed, hopefully it's something that BigCommerce can add soon. It would be a great feature to have.
I fixed this issue by creating new a store API account then rerunning `stencil init` with the new credentials.
Hello Yes this is expected behaviour. I like the how the notification is displayed under the status bar in the second image and would prefer notifications to be displayed like...