Tom Bigelajzen
Tom Bigelajzen
I know. I also mention it in the readme - Mozilla's implementation makes it impossible (at least until someone finds a workaround) to defer between zoom level and devicePixelRatio. I'm...
yeah, I know. comments 22 and 24 there are mine... On Feb 27, 2013, at 21:19 , Robert Schultz [email protected] wrote: > Is there any other way to detect that...
Invalid zoom in Chrome when touch/pen/tablet input devices is plugged into a desktop/laptop computer
Which kind of device you are talking about? Will I see it with a Wacom device attached ? — Sent from Mailbox for iPhone On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at...
Invalid zoom in Chrome when touch/pen/tablet input devices is plugged into a desktop/laptop computer
@m-abs About the multiple screens - This requires tests that I'm not able to do right now.. I'm on a Mac with 2 screens but none of them is some...
Invalid zoom in Chrome when touch/pen/tablet input devices is plugged into a desktop/laptop computer
@PoyangLiu I think I fixed it, please check version 1.0.4 and close the issue if things work for you
@bitwire cool, thanks! I'll play with it a bit and merge and change the documentation accordingly this week.
I'm sorry but on modern chrome browsers detect-zoom is currently broken. hadn't found a solution yet
Currently there is no detection of text only zoom in Firefox. Worse than that, Mozilla made some changes in latest releases that currently break detection altogether.
still an issue?
Thank you, but I'm not testing against nightlies. It's impossible to track all Moz/Webkit/Opera nightlies and their short living bugs and new features. I will have of course to check...