Tomas Bien
Tomas Bien
I find, that maybe problem is here ( "showUserLocationMarker 2" is logged, but "showUserLocationMarker 3" not - I think this function does not end with resolve and is interrupted here.
@farfromrefug yea I can: `Error: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface, but class was expected (declaration of '' appears in /data/app/~~EbH2EsGKlyepoHXJnLM-kQ==/disway.trails-a6kNhxXFYIdoRJueoem9Jw==/base.apk!classes2.dex)`
Hello, today I made as a workaround custom marker with blue dot icon. And I used NS Geolocation plugin and set a `watchLocation` to change markers coordinates. In XML template...
@farfromrefug yes, that is true, I will do it later. But I need to fix this very fast - so I made this with geolocation plugin for now. Nobody from...