Results 3 issues of Tomas

**Describe your problem** plugin not working, i changed nothing, many months this plugin worked wife, but now not. logs: `1/7/2022, 3:04:41 PM] Error: addMembership EADDRINUSE at Socket.addMembership (dgram.js:850:11) at /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-shelly/node_modules/coap/lib/server.js:234:26...

Hi, in last days i received error: CAPTCHA protected download - CAPTCHA challenges will be displayed [TOR] TOR started [Link solve] TOR get new CAPTCHA (timeout 30) [Link solve] ERROR:...

Ahoj, vďaka za program, dlho dlho som niečo takéto hľadal. Často (takmer vždy) sa mi stáva, že dám stiahnuť väčší súbor napr 6GB. Stiahnutie prebehne úplne v pohode a nakonci...