Tomas Coronado Gutierrez

Results 10 comments of Tomas Coronado Gutierrez

Hey! First, you need to update your react-native version to 0.59.9 to be compatible with your viromedia version. Second, do you really need a tracking target? if not, is better...

Hey! That’s because **Expo doesn’t support Viro**, you should init it from a bare react-native project. Use this as guide: . Don’t be afraid of initializing a new project...

@jacklj hey, dude! fixing objects to armarker doesn't need a camera, why do you using that component?

Hey! we are experiencing exactly the same and I have 2 things to add: 1) When running directly the AR scene (I mean, without using a homepage or login -...

Good news! I figured out how to solve it: 1) Make next changes into the AR Component (I'm using a 3DObject, it could be any other). Objective: delegate animations to...

@hokaiyipFS I'm not using any ref at all, maybe it might be messing things up :thinking: (I've set a new project to test my last solution and it is still...

hey! I didn't mean the ViroReact version lol, my idea was using: ``` ``` instead of: ``` { this.scene = scene }} > ``` Extra: I'm using Viro 2.17.0 and...

@hokaiyipFS do you have a public repo so I can check (and try) your code?

@jacklj I know, working with material animations won't work, but if invoking animations from your object works fine (and the click thing still goes well), go for it 😄 fun...

Hey! What about trying this when declaring your _ViroARSceneNavigator_? ``` ``` That was my final idea when having event issues on