Tomáš Pluskal

Results 17 comments of Tomáš Pluskal

(this is related to

I also don't have the time to work on it myself... but like I said, it could be a good task for a Google Summer of Code project. Not sure...

The main issue here are the split packages between modules. It would certainly require some refactoring of the CDK API. Could be a good start for a CDK 3 branch?

Just curious - why was minimizing the size the motivation?

> > Just curious - why was minimizing the size the motivation? > > Java applets, particularly the JChemPaint applet. BTW, JChemPaint is still being used! Applets are dead (even...

It's not exactly true that "there is nothing stopping use of CDK with newer JDKs 11+". See my first post - CDK in its current forms cannot be used in...

Ok, I know it is possible to make it work. But things would look a lot cleaner and easier to use if the following was true: one CDK module =...

Yes. Also, I believe making CDK modular (talking about jigsaw modules here) doesn't mean you necessarily have to switch to Java 9+, or does it? You can still build CDK...

The link generator is nice, but having some basic formatting capabilities would be nice, too (at least translating `\n` to ``). Perhaps supporting something like markdown syntax for the descriptions...

Hi, I would like to return to this issue. I think having an option to add simple formatting to the sequence descriptions would be nice and useful. And using a...