Thomas Himblot
Thomas Himblot
Hi, Can you be more specific? What is file line with the syntax error and the command line you are using ? Also what's your Python version ? Thank you
For now, the full list of the image transformations is in the Readme and doesn't contain changing brightness but it's totally possible. In particular, this project is using scikit image...
Hi, It's seems that chromedriver is not well installed. I put some instructions on the readme file for these kind of problems. If you're on linux make sure the `chromium-package`...
Maybe by adding these options ``` options.add_argument('--disable-extensions') options.add_argument('--headless') options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') ``` in the following file can solve this issue. I think running selenium headless can limit some issues on...
@ivanvorona @suxin1 Good work, renaming to EmployeeConnections fix the example ! However for my own understanding, why this error occurs for EmployeeConnection and not for RoleConnection and DepartmentConnection ? I...
This fix which reset the value of the input element doesn't work in IE10, and probably other versions of IE. Any idea of the correct way to fix this in...