- Do not mix tab-indent & 4space-indent. (e.g. com.sots.particle.ParticleRenderer) - Optimize imports (e.g. redundant imports using wildcard on com.sots.util.registries.PipeRegistry) - Weather insert empty line after class declaration, before "return", before...
- Update .gitignore files. There are many good templates on [github/gitignore](https://github.com/github/gitignore) - Improve gradle settings.
I think that you should unignore the folder or untrack the files.
First of all, I would like to thank you for making this project.This is exactly what I was looking for. I've tried to make something similar to this, but I've...
- [x] `Main README` - [ ] `users.md` - [ ] `timeline.md` - [ ] `tech.md` - [ ] `credits.md` - [ ] `2023-06-08-meeting.md` - [ ] `What the hack...
現在、Discordはサーバーをブーストすれば最大512kbpsの音声通話が可能ですが、Nurseryの対応限界が現在は128kbpsのようです。 128kbpsより高いbpsのVCに接続しようとすると、System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException パラメーター名: bitrate @ Discord.Audio.OpusEncoder..ctor が発生します。 Discord APIライブラリ側の問題の様なので、ライブラリのバージョンを上げれば解決するかもしれません。
- 変数名とクラス名が同じであることとusing staticの使用に起因する曖昧な参照の解決 - usingの最適化
- Cannot resolve if-statement - Cannot resolve floating-point number - Cannot resolve divison template in oob file - Cannot resolve String literal version: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2022.3.2 I invalidated cache...