@staabm, I don't talk about using auryn as service locator, but I'm talkin about dependency **injection**. I've already understood that calling Auryn\Injector::make() inside of Auryn\Injector::delegate() wouldn't have any effect, because...
This comment confused me: It's said in it: > Auryn allows you to use factories for lazy instantiation — that's why I decided incorrectly, that lazy instantiation is already...
I've just implemented lazy inititialization using Auryn and Ocramius/ProxyManager — ProxyManager is the library, which is used by PHP-DI to create lazy proxies: Here I post the updated code:...
@vlakarados, I'm not sure if I correctly understood you. When you say: > and then "apply" Auryn instantiation that removes your instantiation calls (new ...). If you're trying to do...
@J7mbo , the real topic here is lazy instantiation using auryn. As I said in first post of this discussion: > how do I lazily instantiate my object using Auryn's...
@garrettw, thanks for the article, it was useful to read. I completely agree with what is written there: that - Object should have a single responsibility and shouldn't initialize its...
@garrettw , if ALL dependencies of the object will be fully initialized before this object's constructor, and than they're injected into its constructor, and then the object itself is be...
Thank you for your response! PhpStorm 2016.1.1 Build #PS-145.844, built on April 6, 2016 JRE: 1.8.0_73-b02 amd64 JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation No, it isn't a...
Thank you for your assistance! OK. I came home and, after some searches, I found the location of plugin here: c:\Users\Толик.PhpStorm2016.1\config\plugins\ at my Windows computer at home. I replaced the...
No, I didn't ever use the Ђ character, I don't even know what is it. The error reproduced again at work. Hope, the log will help you to find its...