Pose-Tracker-with-Openpose-ROS copied to clipboard
This repository helps you extract useful information from Openpose node publisher via comparing position of body nodes and estimate the gesture which user poses
Gesture Detector with Openpose Software on ROS Kinetic
This repository aims to recognize gestures made by users. Recognized gestures can lead the robot to take certain actions and/or repeat user's movement.
Table of Contents
- Compatible Platforms
- Hardware Requirements
- Software Prerequisities
- Installation
- License
Compatible Platforms
This repository is written in standards-conforming Python. It is developed and tested on the following platforms:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- Openpose Software
- CUDA 8.0
- OpenCV 3.2+
- Librealsense SDK 2.10.0+
Hardware Requirements
Project uses following hardware:
- Intel Core-i7 6700HQ
- Nvidia Mobile Gtx 960
- RealSense SR300 (Firmware
- USB 3.0 Type-A port for camera connection
Software Prequisities
As the ROS will be main environment it needs to be installed first. You may switch between camera and openpose installation. However completing step 3 before 4 is vital to prevent kernel errors.
Install ROS Kinetic.
Install Openpose and OpenposeROS node following instructions below.
Unless you want to use a separate camera skip step 3 and 4.
Install Realsense Camera Prerequisities.
Install Realsense Camera ROS Node from source.
Git clone the package into catkin workspace src folder.
cd ~/catkin_ws git clone https://github.com/tolgasaglik/Gesture-Recognition-with-Openpose-ROS.git
Go into the project folder and initialize your workspace.
cd src/gesture_detector catkin_init_workspace
Build your package.
cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make
Source you environment.
source devel/setup.bash
Invoke the launcher. You may modify it if you want to use another camera.
roslaunch $(find gesture_detector)/launch/gesture_detector.launch
Unless otherwise noted, gesture_detector repository is licensed under a BSD license (see LICENSE.bsd).
This is a non-exhaustive list of contributors:
- Dr. Francisco Lera