TheBoard copied to clipboard
A collaborative Whiteboard powered by the [matrix] protocol and infrastucture.
zoom is supported by ctrl+scroll or ctrl++/-, but it is not obvious from the ui that you can do that save for the hint of the "reset zoom" button further...
(there seems to be a place reserved for tool settings in the top right? but empty as of yet)
When moving around a whiteboard tools especially the eraser keeps deleting anything under the mouse cursor.
There should be a ui for showing all the members in a room/board. This also would allow for only showing or highlighting strokes from a specific user. - [x] member...
The idea behind this is absolutely brilliant! So...playing on the concept of "tricks", as in, neat things which can be done (with white boards)...Plus, adding the "-trix" suffix (like so...
When switching away from the text tool it leaves it's shadow behind. As you add more tools I think it would effect them as well so this is a general...
Make it possible to move items
Add a function to animate to a specific point. (to not lose orientation when pressing GoHome)