
Results 16 comments of tofuness

Should be for all currently airing series or series you've subscribed to.

I'll think about it. It currently requires a lot of manual tuning (font weights/style/width), which means that it's not possible to do something like `document.querySelector(...).springy()`.

I see. The scrobbler currently doesn't have a way to detect how much you've watched of an episode, simply because it doesn't actually hook into the process. I think there...

Thanks for letting me know, @ewasion. Toshocat development is currently stalled because I've been busy with other things. I've been working on a complete rewrite that will address issues like...

This is planned 👍 Toshocat is currently in a stale state because of work, school, and my trip to Japan.

It takes a few minutes to update. Toshocat gets its info directly from MyAnimeList and it takes a few minutes for this endpoint to show the changes:

@Droyk I'll look into it!

@Droyk The MyAnimeList API doesn't update instantly - its results are cached. I'll try and contact MyAnimeList and see if they can fix it on their side.

@Droyk 1. Open up the developer tools through the top-left menu. 2. Go to the _resources_ tab > click on _local storage_ > _file://_. 3. Finally, select the `list.myanimelist` line...

@Droyk Development currently stalled. Got other things to do atm.