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Multiplatform lightweight 2D game-engine, retro-game inspired. Uses OpenGL through GLFW3. Scripted in Lua. Aiming zero run-time dependencies.

Tofu Engine

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Welcome to Tofu Engine!

Guess what? Yup, that's yet another game engine/framework.


  • Carefully crafted C99 code.
  • Self-contained, no additional runtime modules/libraries required (system-wide libraries excluded).
  • Multi-platform support through cross-compilation (Windows, Linux and Raspberry-Pi -- macOS currently not supported, possibly WebAssembly in the not so distant future).

For the courious ones, this is the current statistics of the game-engine codebase:

Language Files Blank Comment Code
C 80 3348 2496 16777
C/C++ Header 88 698 2408 2144
Lua 22 296 497 1708
GLSL 12 118 282 422
202 4460 5683 21051


  • [x] Fully scripted in Lua.
  • [x] Straight multimedia support, no intermediate third-party libraries (OpenGL 2.1 required).
  • [x] Windowed/fullscreen display with best-fit integer automatic scaling.
  • [x] Array of predefined common/famous resolutions (e.g. C64, Capcom's arcades, Nintendo DS, Sony PSP, etc...).
  • [x] Internal software renderer. OpenGL is used only to present the framebuffer to the user (and apply post-process effects).
  • [x] Fixed- and variable-size Blitter OBjects drawing with rotation/scaling/flipping.
  • [x] Support for both proportional and non-proportional bitmap based fonts (alphabet subset can be specified, if required).
  • [x] Sprite batching for optimized (ehm) batch drawing.
  • [x] Tiles drawing with offset/scaling/flipping.
  • [x] Palette based graphics w/ 256 colors.
  • [x] Predefined library of 8/16/32/64 colors palettes.
  • [x] Banked palette support w/ color bias during VRAM transfer.
  • [x] Automatic nearest-matching-color palette indexing of RGBA8888 images.
  • [x] Per-color re-indexing (shifting) and transparency, affecting drawing operations (both per-draw and during VRAM transfer).
  • [x] Multiple canvas, with drawing state stack support.
  • [x] SNES' Mode7-like transforms, with scanline based (HDMA) changes.
  • [x] Amiga's Copper-like programs, with pixel-wide resolution.
  • [x] Image programmable copy functions, to implement script-shaders.
  • [x] Image stencil copy function, with used definable threshold function.
  • [x] Image blend copy, with user definable blending function (repeat, add, sub, multiply, min, max).
  • [x] Post-effect display-wise fragment shaders.
  • [x] Library of "retro-feel" post-effects (LCD, CRT, color-blindness, etc...).
  • [x] Audio support w/ real time sound streaming on a separate thread.
  • [x] On-the-fly audio mixing w/ per voice looping/panning/balance/gain/speed control.
  • [x] Static and streamed audio data playback (FLAC format).
  • [x] Module playback support (MOD, S3M, XM, and IT).
  • [x] Out-of-the-box timers support.
  • [x] Ready-to-use 2D vector class and higher-order iterators.
  • [x] 2D physics-engine.
  • [x] Customizable application icon.
  • [x] Support for archived games, via custom "packed" format (w/ optional encryption). Multiple archives are supported, with root directory override.
  • [x] Resource manager w/ caching I/O and single instance object loading/reuse.
  • [x] Up to 4 game-controller support. Mouse emulation is supported. Controllers #0 and #1 can be keyboard emulated.
  • [x] Screen capture and recording.
  • [x] Framebuffer offsetting (e.g. for screen-shaking effect).
  • [x] Out-of-the-box 'tweening functions support (optimized Penner's set).
  • [x] Noise generators (perlin, simple, and cellular).
  • [x] Logging facility (w/ selectable severity level).
  • [x] Run-time signature check for Lua's API functions (debug build). Also, UDTs are typed-checked with a custom RTTI implementation.
  • [x] Crash screen (debug build).
  • [x] Game window focus detection (for game-pause).
  • [x] Real-time performance statistics (FPS and frame times) and resource usage (memory).
  • [x] User-dependent I/O functions to load/store game data.
  • [x] Configuration override through command-line arguments.



#tofuengine is an original software, result of the experience gained from ~30 years in programming on a broad range of platforms (some concept even stems back to ancient platforms like the Amiga and the SNES, and arcane languages like AMOS and Blitz BASIC 2). However, it has also been influenced by modern similar/other software in one way or another. Here's a brief list.


The lovely game-engine logo has been designed by Blort.


In order to compile Tofu Engine, a Linux machine in required (either physical or virtual). A Debian-based distribution is suggested, although I've been using Ubuntu during the development. One can issue the following commands to install all the required dependencies:

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install mingw-w64

sudo apt install xorg-dev libx11-dev libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev wayland-protocols mesa-common-dev libgles2-mesa-dev

sudo apt install lua5.4 liblua5.4-dev luarocks

sudo luarocks --lua-version=5.4 install argparse
sudo luarocks --lua-version=5.4 install luafilesystem
sudo luarocks --lua-version=5.4 install luacheck
sudo luarocks --lua-version=5.4 install lua-hashings

Of course, git should also be installed to clone the repository.

sudo apt install git

Proceed in creating a local clone of the repository with the command

git clone

into a suitable work directory. Move into the tofu directory you've just created and use make to build the executable. You can use the following command-line parameters to control the build process:

  • BUILD, can be either debug or release with the usual meaning. If not specified, the build is assumed in debug mode.
  • PLATFORM, can be either linux, windows, or rpi. If not specified, the build is assumed for Linux platform. Please not that while the Windows build is generated on Linux using cross-compiling, the Raspberry-Pi build can be obtained only on a proper Raspberry-Pi board computer.
  • ARCHITECTURE, can be either x64 or x32. Please note that this is used only for the Windows build as the Linux one is 64-bit only, and the Raspberry-Pi is 32-bit only.

The build artifacts will be placed in the build directory.

Alternatively, if you prefer not to tamper with you system, you can use a Docker container for the build process. For that purpose, a ready-to-use Dockerfile can be found in the extras/docker directory. Use the make docker-create command to build the container and make docker-launch to start it in the current folder.

Sample projects

Along with the game-engine source, there's a bunch of (basic) demo projects. They are located in the demos sub-directory and can be launched using make, passing the name of the project as a target (e.g. make splash).



  • [ ] Audio channels, to associate them to a source.
  • [ ] Audio effects (noise, reverb, filters, spatialization, etc...).
  • [ ] Framebuffer rotations? Or does Mode7 suffices? But copperlists are not rendered on canvases...
  • [ ] Asynchronous resource loading/decoding with callback (maybe just some kind of pre-loading? With coroutines?)
  • [ ] Multi-threaded parallel rendering (w/ double/triple buffering).
  • [ ] Tiled-map support w/ camera support (zoom and scrolling).
  • [ ] Animation support w/ frameset DSL (i.e. compiling a string where each token can be a single frame, a range or a "keep-current-frame for some time" command). Each frameset can have its one update period, and will be most likely based upon a timer.
  • [ ] Custom "raw" graphics and sound formats, with on-the-fly LZ4 (stream?) compression.
  • [ ] Game state and display transitions (at which level? Engine or script?).
  • [ ] Multiple players support.
  • [ ] Use a custom memory-management allocator.
  • [ ] Webassembly build via Emscripten to HTML5.
  • [ ] Switch to Vulkan API (through GLFW).
  • [ ] input handling in event-driver fashion (now is polled).
  • [ ] game time management, in system class (speed, up down pause)
  • [ ] both shoulder and trigger axes are analogue?
  • [ ] rumble?
  • [ ] analogues low pass filter (page 591) or moving average?
  • [ ] buttons states with XOR (page 594)
  • [ ] chords and gestures detection


make bunnymark BUILD=profile
gprof ./tofu  gmon.out > analysys.txt
gprof ./tofu  gmon.out | ./extras/ | dot -Tpng -o analysys.png