Erik Östlund
Erik Östlund
```sh erik@msi:~$ git clone Cloning into 'eclipse-collections-kata'... remote: Enumerating objects: 2554, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (886/886), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (407/407), done. remote: Total 2554 (delta 266),...
The use case would be writing a JAX-RS endpoint that provides an API, some HTML/JS that provides an UI on top that API, and then bundling them together as a...
I'm curious whether there has been any talk of supporting multiple authentication mechanisms simultaneously? The use case would be writing a JAX-RS endpoint that provides an API, some HTML/JS that...
Sometimes I want to make sure I have selected the right Youtube video. Could you add a "View in Web Browser" button for each search result similar to the "View...
I'm using the Buildkit version that comes bundled with Docker for Windows 18.06.1 and am experiencing some trouble running it with Windows containers. In the log below you can see...
The goal release:prepare is interactive and will ask the user questions when running under mvn but not when running under mvnd. Another difference is that mvnd release:prepare will stall when...