Todd Strader

Results 30 comments of Todd Strader

@wsnyder I moved the `__Venumtab` VAR under the ENUMDTYPE (actually not sure if I should move the VAR or just the INITARRAY). However, I'm still running into the original error...

I noticed that I get `Location of non-constant VARREF` because this is false in `SimulateVisitor::visit(AstVarRef*)`: ``` nodep->varp()->isParam() ``` This is because `__Venumtab_enum_*` are `MODULETEMP`. Then I found that this is...

I made `MODULETEMPCONST` and I think that worked, but then I noticed that `AstVar` already has `isConst()`. I tried just `s/isParam/isConst` in `SimulateVisitor::visit(AstVarRef*)` but that produced a few failures. I'd...

Is the plan to remove `__index__()` from `BinaryValue` as well? Because: ``` int( ``` is the same as ``` int( ``` but in the case of: ``` logic signed [63:0]...

Yeah, endianness is unfortunately not expressable in the RTL. So even if we could discover signedness, I don't believe it's fully possible to "just know" the right way to express...

> But is there anything else you might think would be useful outside of two's complement vs unsigned and big vs little endian and maybe selecting how many bits are...

Sorry, I should have said `vpiVectorVal`. E.g.: ``` logic [63:0] lgc_64; initial lgc_64 = 64'h12345678abcdefxx; ``` plus ``` vpiHandle lgc64Handle = vpi_handle_by_name("dut.lgc_64", NULL); s_vpi_value lgc64Value; lgc64Value.format = vpiVectorVal; vpi_get_value(lgc64Handle, &lgc64Value);...

CI is mad because it's trying to use Python 3.6. I could update: but I'm going to take a beat to see if I'm pulling on a thread that...

> > But I'm also not sure what to put there. > > cocotb is now 2.0.0.dev0, so: `cocotb>` Yeah, I was more uncertain about the starting point. Looks like...

> For the `attrs` deprecation warnings on 3.6, we use this in the main cocotb repo: > > Thanks, I can try this. But should these tests just run...