Todd Branchflower
Todd Branchflower
Can you provide more details or a Plunker?
``` ng-repeat="(key, value) in CrewHist | groupBy: '[Scheduler, Date, Time]' | orderBy:'+key'" ``` I'm not completely clear on what you're trying to do. But, reading through the `groupBy` source, it...
My bad @pola2raghu - think @a8m is right. Try this: `ng-repeat="(key, value) in CrewHist | groupBy: '[Scheduler, Date, Time]' | toArray:true | orderBy:'$key'"`
@a8m is this somethign you want to add? I'm happy to submit a PR.
Hi @1cm, do you have an example plunker so I can reproduce the behavior you're seeing?
Is there a fix you want to be made? Or should I close because this is working?
@a8m I'll submit PRs for these.
PR in for `and`.
@amer4 think this will work: ``` $filter('unique')($scope.orderList, 'submission_Date'); ```
#165 was just merged - this adds a `strict` option to `filterBy`. That should cover this use case. The issue is that numbers are coerced to strings for search purposes....