MPU6050_tockn icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MPU6050_tockn copied to clipboard

Arduino library for easy communication with MPU6050

Results 34 MPU6050_tockn issues
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what is the difference between angleX Vs angleAccX ? I notice that angleX is using also the gyroscope to calculate the angleX but the angleAccX it doesn't. So the angleX...

Angle Z shifted after rotating many times by -40 or 20 or -11 ,... but X & Y angles didn't effected even when moving fast you are using coff of...

- Allows selection of gyroscope range - Allows accelerometer selection range - Allows selection of device address I2C (0x68 / 0x69) Modifications at setup: ``` void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin();...

### Changes I added two new methods to the class MPU6050, that can adjust the sensitivity of the sensor. New methods: - setGyroSensitivity(int) - setAccelSensitivity(int) Updated the other methods, that...

This fixes an issue that prevents Serial working when Wire.begin() is called with multiple I2C devices connected.

Hi, First thanks fro the code, it's by far the easiest to use for the MPU, but I have noticed the angles in X and Y are consistently off. I...

I've written a function for the library that reduces current need. It sets the MPU6050 in low power/sleep mode and disables the sensors. You have still access to the registers....

I am planning on using an MPU6050 on a robotic leg to get position information. Your code is by far the simplest and easy to use that I have found...

For example, 180 degrees will gradually change to 0 degrees and negative numbers, and will restore the Angle after stability 是这个时钟的问题吗 `gyroX -= gyroXoffset; gyroY -= gyroYoffset; gyroZ -= gyroZoffset;...

Interface the MPU-6050 Inertial Measurement Unit Sensor with TivaC Launchpad using InterIntegrated Circuit (I2C) communication protocol by configuring its registers. Display the three axis measurements of gyroscope and accelerometer on...