For example, when receiving a message event, with only data and no worker, I cannot determine which worker sent the event. I need to receive the message execution result before...
It is obvious that the message encapsulated internally is different from the data I sent, and I don't think this should happen. I need to communicate between the main thread...
When using assetBuilds, when multiple JSs in the dynamically loaded JS directory contain the same resource, it will output multiple identical resources. ``` NCC(buildMain, { // provide a custom cache...
Because there are multiple iframes in the interface and the internal selection is incorrect, I need to modify the selector, but it does not take effect ``` RecaptchaSolver.BFRAME = "iframe[src^='']:visible,...
How to set the fingerprint of tls, like this library, set tls as the browser fingerprint. Many websites detect tls interception simulation requests
``` const fastify=require("fastify") const server = fastify() require("./apple/index")(server) server.listen({ port: 8546, host: "localhost" }, (err, adr) => { if (err) { server.log.error(err) return process.exit(1) } console.log("App Address:", adr) }) ```...
我看可以修改ja4h的 JA4L — 光距离/位置 JA4X — X509 TLS 证书 这两个怎么修改,JA4L距离应该是按照tls握手响应时长来的,在关键地方加个延迟应该就可以了吧 JA4X这个证书怎么修改,可以随机生成证书修改吗? 因为我遇到有个站很奇怪,修改完了ja3、h2、ja4之后用一段时间就又不行了,大概30分钟左右,但是换个电脑又可以,代理ip都改了,唯一可能就是JA4+的其他指纹