
Results 12 comments of Toby

I want this aswell! Any updates?

Yeah doing a huge file dump on github and calling it opensource.... yeah right

Having the same issue after upgrading from xCode 10.1 to xCode 10.3 Edit: Updating to pod 5.10.1 fixed the issue

For anyone with the same issue for now you can use my fork in your podfile: ``` pod 'EVReflection/Realm', :git => '' ```

Im having the exact same problem. @oenama Have you found a solution yet? it happened for me when i switched from xcode 10.1 to 10.3 thus having to upgrade my...

@evermeer @oenama any updates on this issue? it currently prevents me from upgrading to swift 5


For anyone having this issue, for me it working to have this as the Intent filter on a fake activity that only extends AppCompatActivity. ``` /** * Due to some...

So how do we fix this issue ik got the same problem Gradle: A problem occurred configuring project ':FBApp'. > Failed to notify project evaluation listener. > Could not resolve...