Toby Inkster

Results 52 comments of Toby Inkster

Does this work? ``` method foo2((InstanceOf['URI']) $uri) { ... } ```

Because you left out the parentheses around the type name. ``` method foo((InstanceOf['URI']) $uri) { ... } ``` See the Function::Parameters documentation for what exactly those do.

patch here -

Further to this, class=value-title shouldn't be supported for the NOTE property at all. There is a limited list of properties that the pattern may be used on - mostly date/time...

I still don't have working cpanm for Perl 5.6 on `ubuntu-latest`. — the "Install dependencies" step — cpanm seems to say `No MYMETA file is found after configure. Your toolchain is too old?`

Hmmm. That may be unrelated though. I think this is my issue. `gha-prove` seems to be calling the system perl instead of your Perl.

So I guess the solution will be to ensure Test::Harness 2.40+ is installed That ensures the `prove` script will be in Perl's `bin`, and the system Perl's `prove` won't be...

Thee `prove` script has been in core since Perl 5.8.3, but from 5.10.1, most of the script was moved into a module, so that's why the module was added to...

I'm re-running some tests with v1.9.5 now and will let you know how it goes.