I'm tring the demo at: with Firefox 45 The snap option for drag doesn't work. I tried a snap of 40 and snap distance of 20 and I expect...
I know the answer will be "use gettext" or other translation post-processor, but I really think a different approach is needed for message strings like an, optional, external strings list....
I'm receiving a 550 error from SMTP due to spamhaus blacklist, this is not really an invalid mail error beause the email address was not given yet but I received...
I need to disable some options of the select runtime. I tried to add/remove the disable property to the option but is is still selectable by "move all". Isn't it...
Hello, I'm migrating my templates from another java library derived from Twig syntax. I have some troubles with implicit boolean expressions, I cannot understand very well why this expression works:...
Is it possibile to deploy this project to apache (or other) maven repository? Actually I can get only the 1.2.2 version and it is a bit old. Thank you.
When an event touchs multiple users and I call removeEvent() just the first event in dom is removed. The solution is very simple: remove the "return false" in each loop...
Hi, I would like to know if it is possibile to disable pan-y to let the page scroll touching on the svg elements. I could disable the pan intercepting the...
I found a problem with Safari (I tested it with an iphone). The center-zoom doesn't work, this is a test: This is the right behavior with Chrome, Firefox, also...