I have no special app for battery management installed. But I figured out that the default battery handling is set to automatically even if I choose "Akku-Optimierung ignorieren" during the...
It seems to work when the option for automatic battery management is disabled. It executes exposure checks once or twice a day. But when reinstalling the app the battery options...
I tried now version 1.0.9. The behavior is still the same. When installing the app the automatic battery management is not disabled.
Thank you very much! I'll test ist in my scripts.
I tried that without success. ``` $filePath = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\$([Guid]::NewGuid()).docx" $document = [OfficeIMO.Word.WordDocument]::Create($filePath) $document.AddParagraph("Row1") $document.AddParagraph("Row2") $Document.AddLineBreak() $Document.AddLineBreak() $Document.AddLineBreak() $document.AddParagraph("Row3") $document.Save() ``` It returns: ``` Row1 Row2 Row3 ``` but it should...