Toban Wiebe
Toban Wiebe
Thanks for the tip -- nxsim looks great! Are you going to leave ComplexNetworkSim as is (to avoid breaking backwards compatibility)? Is nxsim the future of the project -- if...
Just to clarify this, you need to type `\\(inline math\\)` or `\\[display math\\]` because RedCarpet (and most other renderers) requires backslashes to be escaped. The result is that when rendered...
@m-wells I don't think a simple push will do it here because attobot isn't installed. It would be easiest if attobot could be enabled. The alternative is to use `PkgDev`...
Looks like @tonyhffong hasn't been active here for a while. It would be ideal to fork to an Org. Looking at the [list of github orgs](, it seems that [Julia...
You can just [download the 0.6 binaries]( Then extract and run the executable in the `bin` dir. It's completely standalone (doesn't require any system installation) and won't affect your current...
@TotalVerb do you want to try the `PkgDev` method using 0.6 binaries? Also, with the [new debugger](, I noticed there's a new org: [JuliaDebug]( Not quite a perfect fit, since...
Thanks! It looks like I'll need to modify the `.ino` file here to customize the build: Is it enough to add `#include ` to the `.ino` file? If not,...
I got it working! But not as instructed in the docs: if I enable the `OneShotConfig` plugin in the firmware `.ino` file, the keys gets all garbled with keys seemingly...