
Results 124 issues of toastal

Browsers seem to handle types for color-mix() just fine. The latest version (1.24) of Lightning CSS however now fails parse this situation--previous versions were all fine. I happen to have...

Users have the ability to set their preferred serif & sans-serif font in the user agent. For instance, in Firefox this at `about:preferences#general` under the _Fonts_ section. Additionally, most OSs...

The Nixpkgs has been merged for a while. The Nix language is a pure ML dialect too! Letting users know they can get & use it would be helpful. @ratsclub...

Looking at the [*Colors*]( section, these there is a scale from 0 to 12. The 0 (& often the 1 as well) is perceptually pretty “close” to white, but, with...

Some users might prefer the more feature-rich options of AsciiDoc, Org Mode, or reStructuredText for better documentation—or perhaps fixing Markdown parsing gotchas with Djot.

By inlining the for loop from the utility library, downstream consumers do not need to pull in any additional dependencies & bloat their flake.lock files. Some additional reorganizing due to...

I have been using [`topiary`]( to for formatting instead of `ocamlformat` because `topiary` can support tabs like OCaml the language can support tabs. I’m getting an error on startup >...


There is no reason to be sending downstream dependencies for a for loop. Includes missing devShells.

The perennial issue, XDG base directory compliance would split up `$HOME/.elinks` and move these files into the standard directories for most distros. More info: * *

Humans prefer to read text that's about 55 to 65 characters per line. Terminals aren't required but are recommended to stick to 80 characters (it may have been what the...