Results 22 comments of Arnaud Venturi

You're right, I had not tested this new version without upstream, but I guess it wouldn't work. Anyway, i made the modification that you suggested, and tested both with and...

As a side note, if anyone has the same issue, I personally worked around it with the following supervisord service : ``` [program:logs] priority=10 directory=/var/log command=/ user=redmine autostart=true autorestart=true stopsignal=QUIT...

I'll try to make one if I can find some time for that ;)

After further testing, it seems authenticating with `gcloud auth application-default login` does not work either (although it fails later, with a different error message) I see 2 options there :...

@sioncojp as mentioned in the text above, the proposed change doesn't actually work (I initially thought it did though), I'll have to figure out how to make it work before...

Can anyone who got the authentication working with a user account (not a service account) please provide an example configuration ? I was unable to get it working on my...

Unfortunately I don't have my test setup anymore, I'll set it up again in the weeks to come, to provide detailed config examples and corresponding error messages.

Hi again, here is a minimal example : ``` terraform { backend "local" { path = "sso.tfstate" } required_providers { gsuite = { source = "DeviaVir/gsuite" version = "0.1.58" }...

I tried various ways of setting the quota project, such as : * `gcloud config set project ...` * `gcloud config set billing/quota_project ...` * `gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project ...`...

Actually, we're gonna need to make changes bigger than that, as I have great news : It's now possible to give admin permissions directly to a service account in GSuite...