Results 9 comments of Mr.Green

this worked for me

This should solve the problem, but how to access the webview controller? ``` await _controller.reload(); ```

Note: when I set parameter ``` connections_max_idle_ms=10000 ``` in ``` AIOKafkaProducer(loop=loop, bootstrap_servers=bootstrap_servers, security_protocol="SSL", ssl_context=ssl_context, value_serializer=orjson.dumps, connections_max_idle_ms=10000 ) ``` errors not appearing after 10 minutes and producer can send data even...

I am new in Kafka. Only one instance of kafka is working with configs above. Every 10 minutes `Removed 0 expired offsets` is happening. Kafka logs are: ``` [2020-06-02 14:28:29,490]...

`bootstrap_servers` is public DNS of EC2 instance on AWS. ``` bootstrap_servers = '' ``` Kafka broker is hosted in EC2 instance (Ubuntu 18.04 in Europe Frankfurt) on Amazon Web Services....

Yes, EXTERNAL listener and bootstrap_servers are the same. I connect without SSL, but I did not try to wait idle without SSL, unfortunately.

Hi @tvoinarovskyi, I am not sure that it recovers. But previously I noticed that after some time ( a couple of send failures ) it recovers connection then send next...