Tobias Nießen

Results 154 comments of Tobias Nießen

> It must be able to restrict access to specific folders and files How is that going to work? For example, what prevents user code from creating a symlink from...

There are a few related discussions, see,,

> I would also like to have the ability to suppress a specific warning. We interact with a number of APIs that require the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED to be set to 0....

My opinion hasn't changed from [the last time this feature was suggested]( if this were to be implemented in Node.js core, it should have significant benefits over `readFile` + `JSON.parse`,...

cc @nodejs/tsc since this is semver-major.


Cheers @mcollina but I'm afraid two approvals from one TSC member don't count as two TSC approvals 😄 another ping @nodejs/tsc

> Was it considered to allow triagers to access the Jenkins feature? IIRC that is the intention here: not to make resuming CIs simpler in general, but as a workaround...

> But CI is much too flaky for looking at errors to be worth my time until after I've resumed at least three, maybe five times. It should resume by...