Tristan NEMOZ
Tristan NEMOZ
### Informations - **Qiskit Aer version**: 0.13.3 - **Python version**: 3.11.8 - **Operating system**: Arch Linux ### What is the current behavior? The `ccz` gate isn't accepted by the `statevector_simulator`....
### Summary This PR is a work in progress to adapt the whole code base to support V2 primitives and ISA circuits. Will fix #136, fix #164, fix #165, fix...
### Summary As mentioned [here](, some optimizers don't work well with shots-based samplers. This leads to VQD returning sometimes absurd values, as shown [here]( This Pull Request adds a `convergence_threshold`...
### Environment Not relevant. ### What is happening? The current documentation for the `CXGate` states that its effect is: $$|a,b\rangle\to|a,a\oplus b\rangle$$ However, this is the effect using the textbook bit...