I also ran into this yesterday and thought I was doing something wrong. I found this open issue from a while back which had a response. [How about to makeCompositeFuture#all...
Hmm ok.. I turned on the Access logs in Quarkus and it appears to be related to HTML items not being found. ``` 2023-10-02 16:00:55,941 INFO [io.qua.htt.access-log] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-2) 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -...
Is there a way to tell which resource is not being found? I'm getting a lot of these exceptions (which I can't seem to turn off?) Can you add the...
No worries, I can't upgrade to the latest because of the login issue in my other ticket. That's how I found the error in the first place was by upgrading...
I updated to the latest version and am still seeing this exception print out. Any idea what would be the cause? My page is working fine.. ``` Unable to...
I can't at the moment because I am seeing it my legacy application I mentioned in previous tickets. I can try to make a reproducer tonight. I'm trying to narrow...
Has there been any progress on this? I'm new to Wiremock and was using it to test a command line application I wrote which calls backend services. I need to...
I was calling it from the `curl` command line and in the previous versions it would automatically work as I showed in the output above. When using the latest version...
Ok, so you're saying it's a new requirement to have a CSRF token now, where before it was optional or it just worked without it. Well, we have people who...
This application is a legacy application that was written in Scala/Play 2.x. It used the built in authentication mechanism in Play security. I converted the application to use Renarde and...