Tim Miller
Tim Miller
You're right, the tutorial is probably not valid anymore. I have a new docker image I use for the SSO change, but it probably won't fit with the rest of...
Here is the repo: https://github.com/Machine-Learning-for-Medical-Language/ctakes-covid-container On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 3:23 PM Pedro Santos wrote: > Would you have the process to build the file with the SSO or...
Hi @chen-yifu , I've re-created it so the link above should work now.
Sorry, I updated something in the repo that affects remote processing without fixing the documentation yet to handle the local case. Here's how to workaround until I fix it: The...
Actually, I'll be working through this the next few days as I add some functionality and test it with the local setup. Might be best to wait a few days...
Sorry for taking so long on this. I just pushed a change that should fix it. When you start the broker container (should do this first), it creates the broker_cert...
Sorry, at what stage in the README is this error occurring? When you run Step 8?
OK, I'm guessing there is some issue around seeing things on the network. It might help narrow it down if you can paste the whole stack trace (what's on the...
I think for this to work you'd need to change the collection reader you're using. The xml descriptor you're calling (FilesInDirectoryCollectionReader.xml) just calls a java class called FilesInDirectoryCollectionReader that runs...
Or mavenize everything and let maven figure out which jars to grab? IDK if it's standard to include maven in containers, it's certainly has a heavy enough footprint on its...