Todd Menier

Results 180 comments of Todd Menier

Cool, this looks like it'll fit my existing processe well. Might need to change branch name at some point based on the outcome of #710 but that'll be easy enough...

I think this should also determine the fate of #459. I'm no longer convinced that switching to xUnit is worth the effort, and if there's no tangible benefit to it...

@SeanKilleen Thanks! Crazy timing, just this week I got myself fully up to speed on GH Actions at my day job and have been planning Flurl workflows in the back...

@SeanKilleen I think what you've done is great. I don't see a need for CI/CD actions to be any fancier than this. My release process, on the other hand, is...

It appears to be a [Windows problem]( Others have discovered it in HttpClient, which Flurl sits on top of: When the best answer appears to be "use...

Thanks. It's a good idea and one I've thought about before. Have you checked out [Polly]( It's the ultimate lib for implementing retries and I recommend using it with Flurl.... ;)

I'm actively gathering feedback to help prioritize issues for 3.0. If this one is important to you, please vote for it [here](!

Specific objects from which `ConnectionLeaseTimeout` is removed as of Flurl.Http 4.0-pre2: - `FlurlHttp.GlobalSettings` - `IFlurlClient.Settings` - `HttpTest.Settings`

@KorsG You won't like this answer but I've only become more convinced that 4.0 is the right time to drop this. Understand that Flurl's `ConnectionLeaseTimeout` completely reinvents the wheel in...