Travis Cline
Travis Cline
currently go-fuzz minimizes the corpus in memory but this isn't reflected on disk
This is a test PR to exercise ci.
Perhaps a github-hosted website would be helpful.
While not ideal bazel practice, allowing additional files may allow more gradual adoption of bazel in python project but initially grouping sets of tests.
In this case I'm connecting to a host that can see the .10.0/24 subnet and performing a tcp scan after adding it as a route. Hosts 190 and 191 don't...
```shell ~/go/src/ $ c2go transpile -V -p crypto -clang-flag="-I./include/sodium" -clang-flag="-I./libsodium-fork/src/libsodium/include/sodium" libsodium-fork/src/libsodium/crypto_vrf/crypto_vrf.c libsodium-fork/src/libsodium/crypto_vrf/ietfdraft03/keypair.c ``` results in ``` panic: unknown node type: 'BuiltinAttr 0x7fb08f04f838 Inherited Implicit 720' goroutine 98 [running]:, 0x42,...
This change is [](
```allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:update_fuzzy_full_name!)``` seems to not work in what is a pretty typical spec configration