
Results 6 issues of tmacjx

HI,Guys I Have some problem when I use Jquery-cropbox to upload avatar to Server. I add Button to Post data through AJAX,but When I use Chrome to debug. The Chrome...

HI, I'm use celery4.0 and redbeat. > from datetime import timedelta > from kombu import Queue > from main.const import ScheduleInterval > > BROKER_URL = 'redis://' > CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND =...


I have some question! I had done well before I configured Apache. What command I executed was shown as below: wget -O /etc/httpd/conf.d/gitlab.conf The result after I ran the...

I have read introduction about feedback.js, but I don't knwo how I can use it in my project! More details and docs?? Thanks a lot!

你好,感谢豆瓣开源,学到很多,这里有个疑问,想请教下。 关于count_by和gets_by的缓存设计有点疑问 他们的都是根据 查询条件,然后生成了缓存的key ck = config.to_string(conditions) 如果是count_by 缓存存的应该是mysql执行count(1)查询后的总数,比如123 如果是gets_by 缓存存的应该是mysql查询结构对应的主键的id列表,比如[1, 2, 3] 但是在代码里面cache_mgr.py里面CachedOrmManager的count_by和gets_by代码实际没有看到区分。 如果两种的缓存key是一样的话,会存在不一致的问题 ```py def test_count_by(self): for i in range(10): Dummy.create(subject_id=10, ep_num=i, content='hheheheh') self.assertEqual(Dummy.count_by(subject_id=10), 10) m = Dummy.gets_by(subject_id=10)[0]...

看了下代码是三年前的,目前在考虑sqlchemy cache的调研,感谢提供思路,但是代码不可用,有报错信息,无法run