Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith
@soren42 that didnt seem to work, is it possible i could be missing some other headers?
Ok so I figured it out and it was honestly a stupid mistake on my part. Is it possible to generate a token that doesn't expire since my project is...
sorry for the late response, I wasn't sending an auth request correctly. I made this small tool to help me in the future, maybe it will be of use to...
Submitted pull request to add this feature.
I think the issue has to do with "all_frames":true not being in the manifest, but im not sure
I submitted PR that fixes this bug.
if you are referring to not being able to see icons on GitHub, the icon can be seen as SVG code or a preview icon by using the selector in...
The Github pages site was also captured by the Internet Archive back in 2020, it's not the most up-to-date but it may be helpful in the meantime!