Results 50 comments of Michael Drake

I've been looking at using libspng to replace libpng in [NetSurf]( and I was about to request progressive decoding when I found this. At the moment we use libpng's `png_process_data()`....

> I'm not sure what you're asking, but I thought about it some more and I decided that progressive loading is just not worth it in 2021, the user experience...

At the moment APNG is more widely used and more widely supported. * *

Hi @dawoun, Thank you for your interest in LibCYAML. I have a plan for default values where the default value will always be provided via a pointer. This will allow...

Can you give me an example use-case to think about? Why would this be more useful than simply filling out your data structures before saving, or annotating them with extra...

Would support for unions handle this use case? ```c struct my_thing { enum my_type type; union my_data data; }; ```

Agreed, this would we useful. It's something I've thought of, but never implemented because I've not had a need for it so far. I'll try to have a look into...

I've had a think about it. Basically, I'd add a `void *def_val` member to the `struct cyaml_schema_value`. So the value schema could provide a pointer to a default value, or...

> This, specifically, can be avoided by having specialized macros that take the new def_val pointer along with the existing schema macros, and having the old news just call the...

`cyaml__read_bool` isn't called unless there is an actual value in the YAML to decode. The bit representation for any unset optional field is always `0`. So for numbers it's zero,...