Piotr Hebda

Results 11 comments of Piotr Hebda

First method is my presonal fav. I'd add to both controllers: ``` // other vm vars/assigns here vm.$onInit = activate; // functions function activate() { // initialization magic here }...

This should be reopened. The root of issue lays in insecure playground implementation - this should be addressed based on issues reported by CSP checks. Like get rid of all...

Well you don't want to disable CSP headers for development envs, because you will miss other issues with it, up until production, on your API. Therefore your playground is not...

I think, if it's [basic auth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication), then you can just visit html with the URL like: `http://LOGIN:[email protected]/path`. For modern auth solutions, currently the HTML can be downloaded manually (File ->...

I'm looking into `radial-gradient()` but I'm not quite sure how data structure for sketch should look like. @kdzwinel @coderitual @matzimowski do you have any docs or examples for this? EDIT:...

https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas/tree/master/src/css can be helpfull if we stick to parsing things internally To use CSSOM you'd need to use some kind of headless-browser working as child-process, since nodejs does not support...

Best way to achieve this, is to move entire codebase into TypeScript. JS > TS type generators are not ideal. Btw. TSLint is deprecated https://github.com/palantir/tslint#tslint

I had similar issue and I recommend you moving away from modernizr.com dependency for those three reasons: 1. It is **non-versioned** link dependency, thats why you get EINTEGRITY error while...

> Trying to do something similar. A problem arises when generating a static html build of fractal, as all the paths should then have an .html extension. Any simple way...

This is an issue. My projects are based on Atomic Design and have about 800-1500 components each. Fractal 1.x is building those in about 5-7 minutes. Very long if you...