Already fixed, he's too quick for us. #106
It would be awesome if you posted the source code and you linked to something other than Google Maps (OpenStreetMaps is great :) ).
Thanks. The unicode character doesn't work for me (Fedora/Firefox). :| And could you remove the "A" at the start of the description please?
Thanks. For the moment, I find the description too broad and your README not explicit enough. You should try to answer to the question: how can your repo be helpful...
Have you tried saving just before the return (therefore after `session.Flashes()`)?
The principle of flashes is that you read them once then delete them. It's what `sessions.Flashes()` does but you need to save to remember the deletion.
You could just use any container and add the nodes you use to it...
Redeclare? Could you explain what you are trying to do?
Oh, it's a backtick. It's unclear from the help menu. To write a backtick using an AZERTY keyboard, it's `AltGr+7`. The grid still doesn't show up when `Ctrl+AltGr+7` is pressed.
Hi, author here. I still believe a list such as this one can be useful. I'm unsure about how to handle it. A few thoughts: - I wouldn't mind spending...