Tadej Krevh

Results 5 comments of Tadej Krevh

We are experiencing the same issue. Our current workaround is to call the feed.get(mark_seen=True) API twice. If we don't want to change the state of seen flag (just to get...

There is also an issue with reordering - using the same example as above - if one reorders an element within the list, the @itemReordered event is fired twice (confirmed...

I was able to work around it by calling dateClick with the initial value after the toggle.

Ok, after some code review and testing, I think I've found the issue. We're using singleDatePicker and [the isClear computed property](https://github.com/Innologica/vue2-daterange-picker/blob/1befa6c697d43387eedb2a2d146a63a03191f295/src/components/DateRangePicker.vue#L771) is checking if both startDate and endDate are set....