Results 35 comments of bilabila

I comment `JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring` and `suy/vim-context-commentstring`, then do `PlugClean` and `PlugUpdate`. The problem is still. Can you get the expected result? @yhu266

Thanks @yhu266 . I tried but problem remains. Because xml's commentstring `` does not end with `%s`, the following function believes `xml` is a language that doesn't support multi-line comments....

@noscript I tried and you are right.

Thanks. I tried the `trim_leading_whitespace=true` option, but what it did is just the issue it self. There seems a misunderstanding. For left aligned commenting, the comment string is left aligned,...

`commented` by default will turn ```lua if i==1: print(2) ``` into ```lua -- if i==1: -- print(2) ```

Current issue is the comment string is not context aware. I get ```py if true: # if i == 1: # print(2) ``` expect ```py if true: # if i...




你可以写,我可以负责脚本这块实现,你要定义好协议格式和详细的处理流程。 详细的流程比如获得一个新的多账号配置后,脚本要怎么处理这个新配置,脚本现在正在打剿灭。 websocket client算功能吗。脚本只能get和post,get到与之前不同的信息就执行,post传状态和通知。 我觉得有用的功能,设备状态判定、实时截屏、实时控制,账号增删改查、历史通知、最后一次执行时间。设备异常时短信通知。