Tim Kirschke
Tim Kirschke
When enabling "storing test failures", dbt creates tables for each test execution. Additionally it creates a clustered columnstore index on this table. When having a column with the datatype `nvarchar(max)`,...
The macro "drop_all_indexes()" searches in sys.indexes for all indexes that are applied on a specific table. But this table is only identified by the name of the table. This leads...
### Discussed in https://github.com/ScalefreeCOM/datavault4dbt/discussions/164 Originally posted by **migma-ciklum** April 15, 2024 We've defined these variables in our dbt_project file (using 1.3.0 version of ScalefreeCOM/datavault4dbt): - datavault4dbt.hash: 'SHA2' - datavault4dbt.hash_datatype: 'BINARY(32)'...
The loading of a NH Link can be improved by skipping a full table scan while using the High Water Mark:  
In All Kinds of Satellites there is a HWM logic applied for incremental runs. This logic checks `WHERE ldts > (SELECT max(ldts) FROM {{ this }})` But for cases, where...
### Discussed in https://github.com/ScalefreeCOM/datavault4dbt/discussions/96 Originally posted by **cmettler** July 17, 2023 Hey Scalefree Team, i am finishing a sqlserver adapter based on the previous sqlserver branch. I am trying to...
When specifying a sequence in the stage macro call, an error is generated. This is due to a missing ghost record (both unknown and error), which is not generated for...