Thomas Kircher

Results 6 issues of Thomas Kircher

Now that SDK 1.4 supports Jetson Nano officially, it would be nice to have official ROS package support here. This ROS driver does not build under the repository version of...

help wanted
triage approved

There's a compatible LED available on Digi-key that is between 740nm and 850nm and is in stock:

Between OpenCV 3 and 4, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED changed to IMREAD_UNCHANGED. So to get this module to build with OpenCV 4, make this change in image_transport_plugins/compressed_depth_image_transport/src/codec.cpp, line 134: cv_ptr->image = cv::imdecode(imageData, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);...

Loading the project into XCode (and only changing the Signing), I get the following build errors ```ptpwebcam/PtpWebcamAgent/PtpWebcamAgentAppDelegate.m:153:81: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'PtpWebcamAssistantDelegateProtocol'``` ```ptpwebcam/PtpWebcamAgent/PtpWebcamAgentAppDelegate.m:162:44: No known instance method for selector...

After loading models in the 3D viewer, there does not appear to be a way to change the origin. I've looked and looked through forums and the documentation and it...


I preheated my Prusa to swap out some high-temperature material, then started a print job, expecting that the nozzle and bed would cool down to the specified temperatures before starting....
