
Results 6 issues of tkgka

1. [X] Project URL: 2. [X] Update contents.json instead of README 3. [X] One project per pull request 4. [X] Screenshot included 5. [X] Avoid iOS or open-source in description...

UPS 택배 조회 시 "403" 에러 발생 되며 "" 에서 조회 시 정상 조회 가능합니다.

## Project URL ## Category Keyboard ## Description A lightweight application to prevent keypress by mistake ## Checklist - [X] Edit [applications.json]( instead of []( - [X] Only one...

### Sample SVG: ```svg ``` ### Return value: ```swift struct MyCustomShape: Shape { func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path { var path = Path() let width = rect.size.width let height...


fix validation fail when Publishing pods to private specs repo using Xcode 14.3. or upper - validation check only in iOS 12 or upper because current version of the Xcode...
