Tyler Kellen

Results 64 comments of Tyler Kellen

💯 this is bizarre unexpected behavior that makes interaction with terraform highly confusing.

Thank you _so_ much @cgsmith! We use this plugin a TON at [Bocoup](http://bocoup.com)!

ps: thanks about the avatar, if you want to see what i was sawing you can watch this! https://vimeo.com/120923927

@jmeas / @mzgoddard I'm just going to keep saying it--thank you for tackling these issues!!

@creynders Could you post an example configuration for this and describe a little more clearly what you're hoping to do?

@jsoverson Could you expand on this a little bit? Ben and I are both unclear about what is needed here. Thanks!

Yes, there is definitely a place for it. We were close to settling on a standard across all templating tasks before I disappeared into the woods. The relevant conversation is...

Unless I am misunderstanding you, a baseDir would be meaningless for jst/handlebars, as they don't have the concept of file io built in like jade does.

Added this in 69dcb6d2dce2ebb37fbd359a0d8e33f735aa69ac. Attempting to publish the site now.

The downloadPlugins task failed. I'm not clear if publishing with that broken would be a bad idea. @vladikoff ?