Tyler Kellen

Results 64 comments of Tyler Kellen

Huge :+1: to all of this @jonschlinkert. I look forward to discussing these updates in the future!

If you can replicate this, it's definitely a bug. You might have an easier time isolating it with http://github.com/js-cli/js-hacker

Thanks for the update @guybedford! unfortunately, I still need a viable reproduction of this to investigate :(

Thanks for the heads up @iarna (and for all the great work on npm), we're aware!


@sindresorhus is correct. Grunt will move this logic to grunt-cli when it adopts [node-liftoff](http://github.com/tkellen/node-liftoff).

I think given the amount of change we're introducing here we should lock to the same deps.

ping @terraform-providers/enablement

hail mary pass, ping @appilon @apparentlymart @radeksimko?