Tobias Kalbitz
Tobias Kalbitz
When captured blocks are dumped `ThreadStorage::clearClosed()` is called to free up memory from the already dumped blocks. The function delegates the task to two instance of `struct BlocksList` via `BlockList::clearClosed()`....
`EasySocket::accept()` waits 0.5ms till a `select()` timeout happens. This creates 2.7% overhead on my system. Assumption of the patch is that microseconds are needed for the `struct timeval` but milliseconds...
After I discussed my bedmesh in discord someone mentioned that only one screw should be tight and the rest rather loose. This should be written in the manual. I followed...
It is unclear when to use bowden and when to use PTFE tube. Both are in the manual, but bowden tube is never mentioned (quick search in the manual showed...