I tbink the problrm may arise because of the old version of pytorch, there is another branch for pytorch 1.x , it may work for you Good luck Get Outlook...
@HenryJunW it should not be so long, but which config do you use, My results are far away from the results in leaderboard
@HenryJunW Have you get the results now? my results AP2.0 on val dataset is just 49%, far away from the author get
Hi, dude, have you solved this problem, I also encountered this problem, THANKS
I solved that, just modify line 308 in eval_set_map, from "v1.0-mini": "mini_train" to "v1.0-mini": "mini_val", additionally, the size of either set, train_scenes and val_scenes can not be zero
> @MaureenZOU sorry to interrupt, i still have problem opening it, is it accessible now?