Tim Moore

Results 26 comments of Tim Moore

Another solution I've had suggested for Linux is to use a syslog sink and log to syslog server and let that handle the log files as appropriate.

I'm using syslog now to handle writing to files and this syslog sink - https://github.com/IonxSolutions/serilog-sinks-syslog .NET then is not clashing with logrotate as it doesn't write direct to log files....

Has this gone anywhere? I've possibly come across the same issue when testing proxy server environments and despite setting the proxy, the autodiscover fails. Has this fix been merged anywhere?...

Basic auth deprecation is deferred until futher notice but only for customers that are actively using it for EWS. New customers will have to use OAuth. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-and-exchange-online-february-2021-update/ba-p/2111904 To me, for...

@svrooij thanks! I'm moving from a legacy application .NET Framework to a rewrite in .NET Core (and needs to work on both Linux and Windows) and I've broken support into...

Actually, ToDateTime just isn't working for me to convert to UTC which is ultimately what I want, even on Windows. ```csharp [Test] public void TestToDateTimeTimeZone() { var dttz = new...

I'm a bit confused about PWAs, but it seems the JS code needs to be modified to supply a ServiceWorker object so the browser engine can run it local or...

I'm hitting this on changing to shared connection in various places but seems in my data access layer code, using a lock around the code as suggested above and returning...

Any progress on this? Particularly with #1918 - noting that issue was on Linux and a different error to #1992 and #1707, as my issue was "The system cannot open...

I've had this with Connection=Shared and sometimes starts off with an unauthorised access exception on the log file. This is with a singleton instance of LiteDatabase. This is a service...