
Results 21 comments of JiangTao

Hello @bnoyvert, Thank you for pointing out this valuable instance. To be honest, I have never tested it with the different reference genomes for the stage of alignment and calling....

Hello @bnoyvert, This is an exactly interesting case that I have not heard of before. The aligners (such as minimap2 and ngmlr) that I have tested cannot raise this error...

Hello @Akazhiel, Thank you for your valuable question. Your confusion is similar to another issue about #65 approximately. A new modification of the breakpoint has been updated. Please git clone...

Hello @prasundutta87, Do you mean you want to obtain the SV calls for the child with the aid of the parental samples? If so, you can refer to the Mendelian...

Hello @Akazhiel, Thank you for your interest in cuteSV and use it. This is not a wrong INS call. Before explaining this issue, let me introduce the production of the...

Hello @Akazhiel, cuteSV extracts INS signature not only from the **intra-alignment** (there is an over 50 bp _**I**_ in cigar field), but also from the **inter-alignment** (with 2 or more...

Hello @Akazhiel and @kpalanikannan, Thank you for sharing the INS signatures. As you can see the Table below, there are 12 INS signatures with bold POS used for generating the...

Hello @Akazhiel, I have reviewed your first IGV shot screen, there are over 20 reads containing the INS signatures. But cuteSV only applied about 12 signatures, which are scattered than...

Hello everyone, I run *snakemake --use-conda* -p all, and got a error as below: > Building DAG of jobs... Using shell: /bin/bash Provided cores: 1 Rules claiming more threads will...

Thank you for your prompt reply. I have some simulated datasets for generation of callset with extremely high coverage. I just want to obtain the VCF file quickly. If SVIM...