TJ Lambert
TJ Lambert
This one has been a toughy 😮💨 @mandel-macaque I am creating the draft PR and here is a gist with the MacModern failures that you mentioned you would take a...
Once UIKit for Xcode 14 (UIFindInteraction and UIFindInteractionDelegate specifically) is finished, comment out the following lines of code: ``` interface PdfView : #if IOS // Uncomment this changes after Xcode...
While doing the HealthKit binding updates for Xcode 14 beta 1-3, Xtro produced the following funky selector names: ``` !missing-selector! +HKUnit::degreeHKUnitUnit not bound !missing-selector! +HKUnit::radianHKUnitUnit not bound !missing-selector! +HKUnit::radianHKUnitUnitWithMetricPrefix: not...
This one has nullability changes and runs on device, but I am creating as a draft since we will need to make generator changes to enable "Warnings as Errors" and...
ios13/UsingCollectionViewCompositionalLayoutsAndDiffableDataSources has an issue where the UIImageView inside ConferenceVideoCell.cs does not render. In the screenshots, it appears that there should be a blue background, but the UIImageView does not show...
ModuleInventory.ClassesForName (SwiftName modName), ModuleInventory.ProtocolsForName (SwiftName modName), and ModuleInventory.FunctionsForName (SwiftName modName) should return public classes. Issue: Sometimes it gives us internal or private classes as well Example, from libswiftCore.dylib: - Swift._UnicodeEncoding...
A list of things that DylibBinder cannot handle: - Accurate public or private names - Unavailable - Obsoleted - Deprecated - Subscripts - Order of AssociatedTypes is not consistent with...
In DynamicXmlTests - TestGenericMethodInGenericClass the Generic parameters get a little wonky. **DylibBinder's xml** ``` ``` **SwiftInterfaceParser's xml** ``` ``` **Error:** // wrong signature //Expected string length 48 but was 43....