Hello, I have been trying to run driller in a docker container and cannot seem to get it to work. The error I obtain - shellphuzz -d 2 -w workdir/shellphuzz/...
- [ ] Infer version 1.1.0 - [ ] Debian 11 - [ ] Command: infer run --reactive --bufferoverrun --pulse --enable-issue-type ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_L1 -- clang -c strn.c (also tried BUFFER_OVERRUN_Ux, BUFFER_OVERRUN_Lx,...
Hello, How can I change the name of the generated files manuscript.pdf and manuscript.docx during the build process?
Hello, I have been successful in using Manubot for previous repositories. However, when setting up a new repository using ```bash
Hello, I would like to auto-generate pdfs and docx files every time a commit has been made without running 'build/build.sh'. I do not have Github Pages but do have Github...